I Think I Can: Coping Statements
A big part of the Juva program is coming up with coping statements that you can tell yourself when you’re struggling with migraine or any health or life issue.
The Juva app contains more self-guided CBT lessons that can help you learn how to manage the distress and disability that often accompany life with migraine. Juva’s innovative app uses your phone’s technology to measure your biometrics (like heart rate) while guiding you through evidence-based cognitive and behavioral strategies for migraine management. Sign up for a FREE year of Juva Health today.
A big part of the Juva program is coming up with coping statements that you can tell yourself when you’re struggling with migraine or any health or life issue.
When we personalize things and make things about us when they’re not, everything feels a lot more stressful than it needs to be.
In reality, there is no “should,” especially when it comes to living life with migraine. All you can do is your best.
By changing your thoughts, you change your feelings and behavior – and that makes all the difference in life and in migraine management.